Sarine’s David Block: Diamond Industry at Standstill Until Chinese Demand Returns

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"Diamond" scandal broke out In South Korea

21 february 2012

Several high-ranking South Korean officials and officials of the CNK International company became the subjects of the investigation received wide publicity in South Korea, Radio France International reports.
The suspects are accused of deliberately overstating the potential of the diamond mine Mobilong in Cameroon in order to obtain extra profits in the stock market.
Direct violation of the law took place in December 2010, when CNK International has received a license to develop the mine in Cameroon. Then on the wave of euphoria in the government of South Korea's the reserves of the mine were estimated at 420 million carats of diamonds, which is about 17 times greater than its real potential.
After that, the value of shares CNK International jumped 4.6 times in 16 days. However, very quickly appeared doubts about the real potential Mobilong mine and suspicion immediately fell on some South Korean officials, who are accused of obtaining personal benefits from over-estimate the reserves.
In January of this year South Korean authorities have stopped the powers of the Natural Resources Ambassador Kim Eun-Sok, which, according to investigators, played major role in this fraud and gave the false estimation of the mine’s potential. Members of the Yun Sok’s family purchased securities of the CNK International before the estimation of reserves Mobilong’s reserves was announced
As for the head of the company, which is also in on the list of suspects, according to investigators, a transaction in shares brought him the order of 55 million euros.
South Korean prosecutors have promised to make public the names of some others top suspects in the case of "diamond" fraud, including the former deputy of one of the ministers.

Alex Shishlo, Editor in Chief of the European Bureau, Rough&Polished