Dr M'zée Fula Ngenge: Demand for considerable-sized diamonds stronger than ever

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02 september 2024

Amplats sees prospects as a standalone company

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Lyudmila Vysotskaya: Amber is a mystical stone, a living substance

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Settling Issues Decisively

05 march 2012

Towards the end of last year, two significant developments took place where the KPCS and the issue of Marange diamonds were concerned: exports out of Marange were allowed subject to KP monitoring and certification; and the US, one of the most contentious parties in the debate, took the KP chair, Diamond World writes in its Weekly E-Post.
Several months later, after KP Monitors were satisfied about compliance, goods have even begun to flow out of Zimbabwe. However, one main issue still remains – US sanctions in place against Marange goods; leading to various difficulties for companies in the manufacturing centres dealing in those goods. Despite industry representations, US authorities remain immovable on removing the sanctions, we are told by industry veterans.
This puts the US representatives in KP, and the newly appointed chairperson Gillian A. Milovanovic in quite a contradictory position, to say the least.
The move to make the chain of custody assurance mandatory has been officially deferred for the moment. However, US jewellers continue to demand assurances from suppliers that they do not deal in Marange goods. It is a confounding situation, not merely a contradictory one. It is important for the KP chair and other authorities on the home turf in the US, to work out a solution. What is kosher for the goose, should in theory and practice be kosher for the gander as well. If not, KP’s standing and status will once again be called in question, which will be quite detrimental to the world diamond community.