Sarine’s David Block: Diamond Industry at Standstill Until Chinese Demand Returns

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Dr M'zée Fula Ngenge: Demand for considerable-sized diamonds stronger than ever

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Namdeb in new ‘major’ diamond mining extension projects – report

21 march 2012

Namdeb, a joint venture between De Beers and the Namibian government said new “major” mining extension projects are in progress to prolong the lifespan of its operations to 2050.
 “Current mining operations need to be run effectively to keep unit cost low and making right business decisions to pay for these projects,” Namdeb general manager Riaan Burger was quoted by The Namibian as saying.
He said the mining extension projects included construction of the Sendelingsdrift mine at a cost of N$280 million ($37 million) and the N$115 million ($15.1 million) central recovery plant to ensure an efficient diamond recovery process.
The Sendelingsdrift mine will replace the Daberas when it shuts down operations in 2013.
Burger revealed that Namdeb has recently positively re-commissioned its Elizabeth Bay mine that was closed for remodelling in 2009.
He said N$70 million ($9.2 million) was spent to redesign the Elizabeth Bay mine.
Burger said Namdeb’s vision is to take the mine’s future beyond 2020 to 2050.
Namdeb produced 1.3 million carats in 2011.

Mathew Nyaungwa, Editor in Chief of the African Bureau, Rough&Polished