Dr M'zée Fula Ngenge: Demand for considerable-sized diamonds stronger than ever

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The Diamond Commission Committee will discuss the terminology for irradiated diamonds for the first time

25 april 2012

At the upcoming Diamond Commission Steering Committee and the Diamond Commission meetings, will begin discussions on a new topic, which is the nomenclature of colour treated diamonds by means of irradiation. Diamond Commission president Udi Sheintal issued Special Report.
“Currently, while our colleagues in the coloured stone and pearl sectors continue to have many controversial and, therefore, pressing issues concerning nomenclature on their plate, in our sector the heat of discussions has been lowered to a moderate temperature. This has allowed the members of the Diamond Commission Steering Committee and the Diamond Commission (DC) to concentrate on the fine tuning of the wording of the Diamond Book and, also, to open the floor for discussion on other topics that have moved into the diamond sector's field of vision.”
He noted, this topic has not come as the result of a reactive measure by the Diamond Commission, but by means of a proactive initiative coming directly from diamond treaters who are themselves involved in the manufacturing treatment and marketing of irradiated diamonds. They have expressed the desire and interest for CIBJO to work and cooperate with them in defining the best comprehensive nomenclature for these products. “We think this initiative will be a significant service for our businesses and for everyone else involved in the diamond and diamond jewellery supply pipeline”.  
“A few months ago, we received a query from an Israeli diamantaire, asking whether CIBJO would consider discussing and defining specific nomenclature needed for colour treated (irradiated) diamonds, with the purpose of possibly including the resulting agreed nomenclature in the Diamond Book. The diamantaire emphasised that his request concerned the colour treated diamonds by means of irradiation only, and by no means through HPHT.
He explained that a significant number of diamond firms worldwide manufacture or deal in polished diamonds that have undergone irradiation, with the purpose of changing their colour permanently in particular into fancy colours. A number of these firms are in the process of establishing an interest organization that will advance not only the establishment of accepted nomenclature but also serve as an information channel to the supply pipeline, all the way down to the consumer. Jewellery manufacturers, retailers, designers and of course consumers need transparent and unambiguous information about these diamonds,” Udi Sheintal wrote in the report.
The painstaking work that has been done by Gerard Grospiron, French CIBJO delegate, on the formatting of the Blue Books, in particular the Diamond, Gemstone and Pearl books.

Veronica Novoselova, Rough&Polished correspondent in Italy