On 31 May 2012 International Business Centre “6 Carats” will host a seminar named “Instruments of analysis in management of assortment of trading houses and jewellery stores,” Rough&Polished were reported at the company.
The seminar is destined for management and specialists involved in procurement and management of merchandise.
Agenda of the seminar includes the following issues:
1. Nature of the approach and history of categorical management. Category as a unit of management of assortment. Cross-categorical analysis. Role of categories and pricing options.
2. Competitive strategies and assortment policy. Balance of merchandise nomenclator. Creation of assortment matrix.
3. Retail formats of jewellery business and merchandise nomenclators.
4. Operation of АВС, XYZ analyses, matrix analysis for definition of financing issues.
5. Forecast and calculation of efficiency of promotion campaigns and loyalty programs.
Additional details and registration on the seminars is available via phone: + 7 (495) 744-34-64, 232-22-60, 232-33-79 or e-mail: info@6carat.ru; 6carat@inbox.ru.
Tatiana Alexandrova, Rough&Polished, Moscow