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Delrand, Rio Tinto ups search for diamonds in northern DRC

07 september 2012

Delrand Resources and its joint venture partner, Rio Tinto have identified 10 targets for further detailed follow-up work after a 2011 stream sampling programme in the northern parts of the Democratic Republic of Congo produced 48 diamonds.
The miner said in a statement that a detailed stream sampling programme began in July at their Coexco and Bomili projects to cover the targets with some close-spaced sampling.
“This should increase the number of kimberlitic minerals; their chemistry can then be assessed in order to rate the interest level of each of these target blocks and rank them accordingly for geophysical surveys,” Delrand said.
“This sampling programme is likely to take 3 to 4 months to complete and should result in just over 200 samples. However, the targets will be sampled in order of priority to assist Rio Tinto's heavy mineral laboratory to report on the most prospective blocks first.”
It said the next steps for the Coexco and Bomili projects were dependent upon the results of this phase of sampling and could include geophysics and drilling.
The northern DRC had a long history of good quality alluvial diamonds.
However, no primary sources, or kimberlites, for these diamonds had been found to date. Delrand and Rio Tinto had previously prospected large areas in the provinces of Equateur and Orientale.

Mathew Nyaungwa, Editor in Chief of the African Bureau, Rough&Polished