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The expedition discovered birds listed in the Red Book in the industrial area of Norilsk

22 november 2022
Experts found 7 species

(TASS) - An expedition of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SB RAS) discovered in the Norilsk industrial region seven species of birds listed in the Red Books of Russia and the Krasnoyarsk Territory. At the same time, 18 individuals of whooper swan and two white-tailed eagles were found in the zone of significant industrial impact, in the Talnakh region of the city of Norilsk, according to the report of the biodiversity research expedition available to TASS.
"During the work on the territory of the Norilsk Division, four species listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory were noted: whooper swan, white-tailed eagle, peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon. Three species listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation were also noted: golden plover, black-throated diver and bean goose (this list also includes the white-tailed eagle, peregrine falcon and gyrfalcon)," the document says.
Of the birds listed, the whooper swan, white-tailed eagle, gyrfalcon and golden plover are in the third category of rarity (rare), the peregrine falcon in the fourth category (indeterminate in status), the black-throated loon and bean goose in the second category (decreasing in numbers and / or distribution).
In particular, 18 individuals of the whooper swan were found in the zone of significant industrial impact, in the Talnakh district of the city of Norilsk, and 34 individuals were counted in the zone of medium impact in the village of Valek. In the zone of insignificant industrial impact in the village of Nadezhda, 16 individuals were found, and two individuals lived near the Alykel airport. Also, two individuals of the white-tailed eagle were found in the zone of significant industrial impact of the Norilsk region of Talnakh.
In addition, two individuals of the golden plover were noted in the zone of insignificant industrial impact in the Norilsk region of Kayerkan and the village of Nadezhda in the river area, as well as on the Dudinka-Alykel highway. Black-throated loons were encountered by scientists in the zones of medium and low industrial impact in the city of Dudinka, in the Norilsk district of Kayerkan, as well as in the zone of significant industrial impact in the village of Valek, within the boundaries of Norilsk. Three individuals of the goose goose were noted in the zones of high and medium industrial impact in the village of Nadezhda, two individuals were found on the Dudinka-Alykel highway.
In addition, white-tailed eagles, plovers, peregrine falcons, gyrfalcons and black-throated loons were found near the industrial sites of Norilsk Nickel gas fields located on the left bank of the Yenisei River.
In total, studies of terrestrial ecosystems were carried out at 41 test sites on the Taimyr Peninsula, including those in the vicinity of Dudinka, Kayerkan, Norilsk, Talnakh, located at different distances from the Norilsk Nickel enterprises in the expected belts with varying degrees of impact. Scientists from the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences were engaged in the study of nature: the Institute of Systematics and Ecology of Animals, the Institute of Biophysics, the Central Siberian Botanical Garden, the Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry.
The basic biodiversity study is a continuation of the work of Norilsk Nickel and the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which began in 2020 and expanded into three regions since the Great Norilsk expedition. The purpose of the current study is to determine the areas of influence of the company and assess the state of biodiversity of ecosystems in the regions where Norilsk Nickel operates. The research will form the basis of the corporate system for managing the impact on biodiversity and the development of programs for its conservation and monitoring.