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Alexander Vorotnikov: Own lithium production to increase Russia's ESG rating

15 february 2023
(goarctic.ru) - Polar Lithium LLC, a joint venture between Nornickel and Atomredmetzoloto (the mining division of Rosatom), received in February 2023 a license to develop the Kolmozerskoye lithium deposit located in the Murmansk region.  And Deputy Prime Minister - Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said that "the development of the deposit will give impetus to the creation of a new industry for the production of domestic batteries, high-tech products for the nuclear industry, the space industry, transport, and activities in the Arctic zone of Russia'', according to Alexander Vorotnikov, coordinator of the POAD's Expert Council, Associate Professor of the RANEPA, PhD in Chemistry.
“Lithium compounds are widely used in various industries. According to available data, 46% of the mined lithium carbonate is used in the production of batteries for various needs, 27% goes to glass and ceramics (production of solar panels), 12% to lubricants and polymers, and 15% to other purposes.
Lithium has become one of the most important metals in modern industry. It is the use of lithium that allows the development of energy storage systems, and these are batteries, accumulators, storage devices, etc. Due to its unique "flexibility" - that is, the number of allowable charge-discharge cycles - the lithium-ion battery plays an exceptional role in this area. Experts estimate the growth prospects of the global lithium-ion battery market at more than 17% annually.
However, now there is no own production of this metal in Russia. Of course, we are talking about its chemical compounds, because it is difficult to handle due to lithium corrosiveness in its pure form. Two enterprises working with lithium compounds, in Tula and Krasnoyarsk, are provided with imported raw materials. At the same time, prices on world markets have already increased 6 times over 5 years.
In modern conditions, the issue of reducing import dependence on strategic lithium raw materials has become acute. And it can be solved only by creating national extractive industries based on the existing facilities of the lithium mineral resource base, one of which was announced by Deputy Prime Minister Manturov.
The production of lithium derivatives is also related to the most important task set by the President, namely the achievement of carbon neutrality by 2060. This is possible only with the transition to hybrid, mixed energy generation, with the addition and gradual replacement of carbon-containing energy sources with renewable ones, such as sun, wind and water energy. For example, mini-hydroelectric power stations, thermal and tidal power plants should be developed. Stable operation with hybrid generation is possible only with the use of energy storage devices. Potential storage applications include: smoothing out fluctuations in production and consumption, providing power reserve, emergency power supply in emergency situations. Since their functioning is associated with charge-discharge cycles, lithium has no competitors today.
The development of hybrid generation in the Russian Arctic, and not only in it, will make it possible to adapt to climate change. Companies and regions that actively implement it will dramatically increase their positions in the ESG ratings, which will allow them to more effectively attract resources and personnel, as well as actively sell their products in the markets of Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Thus, own production of lithium and its derivatives in Russia will not only make the country independent of the supply of strategic raw materials from abroad, but will also increase the ESG rating of the country and individual Russian companies.”