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Sarine’s David Block: Diamond Industry at Standstill Until Chinese Demand Returns

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Amplats sees prospects as a standalone company

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12 august 2024

Russia conducts research into the depths of the Arctic Ocean

20 march 2023
Scientists of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AANI), drifting as part of the expedition "North Pole-41" in the Arctic Ocean, take soil samples for reconstructions of climate changes in the high-latitude Arctic over the past few thousand years.
"Work is underway in the area of the Lomonosov Ridge and the Amundsen basin from 83 to 87 degrees north latitude. Over the past five months, scientists have been systematically sampling and analyzing sediment samples using a geological complex weighing about a ton delivered on the ice-resistant platform "Severny Plus", the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia reported.
The data obtained will allow us to draw conclusions about climate changes in the Polar region over several millennia, explain current transformations and make a forecast about the reaction of the natural environment to possible transformations in the future.
The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment recalled that recently the AANI scientists, together with an international scientific team, published the results of a large-scale study of the processes occurring in the waters of the Arctic Ocean. 
According to these data, changes in the directions and composition of internal currents, coupled with a reduction in the area of long-term ice, can lead to the growth of microscopic algae and more active absorption of atmospheric carbon.
The expedition "North Pole-41" is a continuation of the program of complex drifting research in the high latitudes of the Arctic, founded by Soviet scientists.
The world's first polar research drifting Arctic station "North Pole" ("North Pole-1") began operation on May 21, 1937. Since then, 40 such expeditions have been organized.

Alex Shishlo for Rough&Polished