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Issues of preserving the Arctic ecology are discussed at the Nevsky Ecological Congress

29 may 2023
Within cleaning up the Arctic territories and eliminating the accumulated harm to the nature, it is necessary to actively introduce new environmentally friendly production technologies, increase interaction in this area between the state, the business community and public organizations, including environmental ones.
This was announced during at X Nevsky International Ecological Congress.
“Currently, there is an active economic development of the Arctic zone, comfortable conditions are being created for the life of people, preferential conditions for business. The Northern Sea Route, the natural resources of the Arctic and the beauty of northern nature are the new engine of our economy. At the same time, it is important to preserve the fragile Arctic ecosystem extracting and transporting minerals, developing new industries, expanding tourist routes. To reach this goal, all the efforts of the state, business and society must be consolidated,” said Vice Speaker of the Federation Council Galina Karelova.
She confirmed that today the Russian climate policy remains unchanged. “By 2060, Russia plans to become carbon neutral. For these purposes, the Federal Law “On Limiting Greenhouse Gas Emissions” was adopted and the “Strategy for the Development of Russia with Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions until 2050” was approved in 2021. The constituent entities of the Russian Federation are also actively involved in this work.”
According to Galina Karelova, the issues of creating a state system for monitoring permafrost, clearing the country's waters from sunken ships, and organizing a certain waste management system deserve special attention.
The vice-speaker of the Federation Council also noted the important public project for cleaning up the Arctic territories "Clean Arctic". “In 2022, expeditions took place in all Arctic regions, thousands of volunteers from Russia and foreign countries took part, and 5,000 tons of waste were collected and prepared for disposal. In total, large-scale cleaning was carried out on an area of 235 hectares.”
“We hope that at least 5,000 volunteers will take part in the project this year,” said Galina Karelova. ”I was in Norilsk before the action and after it. The city is different - it has become clean, beautiful, comfort in the city. I think the residents appreciate it.”
Stanislav Seleznev, Vice President for Ecology and Industrial Safety of Nornickel, spoke about the progress of the Arctic cleanup project, the company's work to eliminate environmental damage accumulated over many decades. “We continue the project, we continue to clean. We promise that Norilsk and the territories around it will definitely be clean.” The top manager also dwelled on the issue of creating an atmospheric air monitoring system in the cities where the company operates and confirmed the launch of the flagship environmental project Sulfur Program. "It will take place approximately in October of this year at the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant, which will reduce sulfur dioxide emissions in the Norilsk industrial region by almost 50%.”
The participants of the round table noted the need to apply the latest technologies and take into account the highest environmental protection requirements when launching new industrial facilities. This should be the project to develop the Kolmozerskoye lithium deposit, which will begin this year jointly by Nornickel and Rosatom Corporation.
Aleksey Likhachev, CEO of the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, spoke about the implementation of ambitious tasks for the construction of nuclear icebreakers that ensure Russia's economic and political interests in the Arctic. He also informed about the great work done to clean up the Arctic and return the territories to public use.
Speaking at the forum, Elena Sharoikina, Chairman of the Commission on Ecology and Environment of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, noted the contribution of large companies that can become an example for other business representatives. “Nornickel, Rosatom, PhosAgro, Russian Railways not only allocated their funds, but also inspired their employees to take part in the Arctic cleanup. This project really united everyone,” said Elena Sharoikina.
“One of the environmental problems that we are solving is the elimination of accumulated harm. Cleaning up 11 sites in the Arctic, where hazardous waste has been stored for decades, will improve the lives of over 700,000 people whose houses are located nearby,” said Alexander Kozlov, Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation.

Andrey Ershov for Rough&Polished