De Beers shines light on budding jewellery designers

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22 july 2024

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02 july 2024

Why it's expensive to cut and polish diamonds in Africa? ADMA president António Oliveira has the answer

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Norilsk Nickel’s budget for social programs in the Polar branch exceeded 8 billion rubles

22 january 2024

The budget of Norilsk Nickel for social programs for the Polar branch alone amounted to more than 8 billion rubles in 2023, said Anastasia Perfilieva, Deputy director of the Polar Branch of the company for personnel and social policy.

According to her, about 4,000 employees of Norilsk Nickel have already become participants in the housing program, one of the company's flagship social projects.

For its employees, the company acquires apartments in the most favorable regions of the Russian Federation - Sochi, Anapa, Yaroslavl, Krasnodar and others. Currently, the process of distribution of apartments is underway in Zavidovo, Tver region.

"These are apartments that are ready to move in, with a kitchen set, appliances necessary to start living there. The site itself is developing very infrastructurally there, a water park is being built now and even, you won't believe it, a ski slope. A very beautiful place, a popular one. In fact, we have dispersed the real estate market there. I think that the program that we are implementing is the best on the market. I do not know of any employer who would still build houses and transfer them to employees for 50% of the price," Perfilieva said.

In addition, as part of a large mortgage program in the Norilsk division, Norilsk Nickel employees can purchase housing in any region of the country, and the company compensates for interest.

According to Perfilieva, from the point of view of social orientation, the largest project of Norilsk Nickel in 2023 was the Digital Investor. "33,000 employees of the Norilsk division participated in it. This is a unique project that has won the admiration of the entire market. Anyway, now all companies are trying to move in our direction," the company representative said.

She also said that Norilsk Nickel annually allocates about 18,000 vacation and wellness vouchers for employees of the Norilsk branch. "Plus vouchers to children's health camps. These are our Vita camp in Anapa, and the Universiade Village in Kazan, with about 850 vouchers for our children," Perfilieva noted.

According to her, despite the difficult geopolitical situation, Norilsk Nickel resumes two-week trips of employees to sanatoriums in China in February 2024.

The company has also multiplied the amount of financial assistance: in case of health problems, it is planned to allocate up to 350,000 rubles, as well as up to 150,000 rubles in cases related to force majeure.

Alex Shishlo for Rough&Polished