De Beers shines light on budding jewellery designers

Diamond giant De Beers will this year conduct its bi-annual Shining Light Awards jewellery design competition. De Beers beneficiation manager Kagiso Fredericks told Rough & Polished's Mathew Nyaungwa in an exclusive interview they set aside 4.5 carats...

22 july 2024

DiaMondaine Diamantaires Club mulls diamond safari tours in southern Africa

DiaMondaine Diamantaires Club (DDC) is set to organise diamond safari tours in southern Africa, home to major diamond-producing countries. DDC founder Agnes Abdulahu told Rough&Polished’s Mathew Nyaungwa that the launch of the first diamond safari...

15 july 2024

Vladislav Zhdanov: Questions of efficiency and investment potential of diamond mining versus diamond growing pique keen interest

Vladislav Zhdanov is Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). He told Rough&Polished about new researches into the effectiveness of diamond production methods.

02 july 2024

Why it's expensive to cut and polish diamonds in Africa? ADMA president António Oliveira has the answer

The African Diamond Manufacturers Association (ADMA) president António Oliveira told Rough&Polished’s Mathew Nyaungwa in an exclusive interview that the lack of a robust infrastructure in Africa fails to accelerate and encourage manufacturing...

24 june 2024

Edahn Golan: IPO feasible but not Anglo’s preferred way to sell De Beers

Edahn Golan, owner of the eponymous Edahn Golan Diamond Research and Data, told Rough&Polished's Mathew Nyaungwa in an exclusive interview that while an IPO of De Beers is “feasible,"  he does not think this is a route Anglo American...

17 june 2024

Russia suspended membership payments to the Arctic Council

14 february 2024

Russia has suspended the payment of annual membership fees to the Arctic Council, the Foreign Ministry told RIA Novosti.

"At the moment, Russia's payment of annual fees to the budget of the Arctic Council has been suspended until the resumption of practical work in this format with the participation of all member countries," the ministry said.

According to the Foreign Ministry, the current joint projects are being affected in such fields as the preservation of the fragile ecosystem of the Arctic, conducting polar research and marine scientific expeditions, developing humanitarian ties, improving the quality of life and well-being of the population and indigenous peoples of the Far North.

At the same time, the ministry said that "today the question of a possible withdrawal [of Russia] from the Arctic Council is not in the practical plane."

The Arctic Council was established in 1996. It is a high-level intergovernmental forum that promotes cooperation in the region, especially in the field of environmental protection. Among the member states of the Council are Denmark (including Greenland and the Faroe Islands), Iceland, Canada, Norway, Russia, the USA, Finland and Sweden. The rotation of the Chair countries takes place every two years.

In March 2022, the Western member countries of the council announced the suspension of participation in any events of the association in protest against the events in Ukraine. In May 2023, Norway assumed the presidency of the Council.

Alex Shishlo for Rough&Polished