In Q3 2020, Mountain Province mined a total of 9,880,757 tonnes of ore, a 16% decrease from 11,742,138 tonnes on comparable period in Q3 2019. In Q3 2020, 889,340 ore tonnes were treated, an 11% decrease on comparable period of 1,004,828 in Q3 2019.
1,794,408 carats were recovered at an average grade of 2.19 carats per tonne, a 17% increase on comparable quarter (Q3 2019: 1,528,494 carats at 1.72).
Stuart Brown, the Company's President and Chief Executive Officer, commented: "We are pleased with the latest quarterly production figures considering the impacts of COVID-19 on operations over the past few months. We have dramatically improved our mining operations from the previous quarter (Q2 2020) by achieving 30% more in total tonnes mined and we expect this trend to continue into the next quarter. Total carats and grades were also higher in Q3, primarily as a result of mining from the 5034 pit where grades are higher than other parts of the ore body."
"As previously announced, we have resumed our traditional selling channels, having completed our first sale during the COVID-19 Pandemic in September, with the next sale scheduled to close at the end of October. Overall, things are starting to trend in the right direction for the Company considering the ongoing challenges of COVID-19."
Alex Shishlo for Rough&Polished