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ALROSA is on the verge of discovering new diamond deposits

26 december 2022
ALROSA expects an operational increase in reserves due to the assessment and exploration of open kimberlite bodies and diamond placers, which will be studied within the existing infrastructure of mining and processing plants. This was announced by the chief geologist of ALROSA Konstantin Garanin.
He spoke at the Far Eastern Forum "Industry and Geological Exploration: Through the 100th anniversary" held in Yakutsk
Speaking about the most promising areas of the Russian Federation from the point of view of kimberlite detection, where ALROSA has carried out prospecting work in the last two decades, Garanin noted the need to enter new territories in the north of Yakutia, in the north-west and north-east of the country – in the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Irkutsk Region.
In an interview 1sn.ru Garanin said that in the long term, the works are viewed mainly within the two main diamond-bearing provinces: Yakutsk and East European. Geological exploration will also be carried out in the Tunguska diamond-bearing province, where no deposits have yet been discovered.
In the meantime, in the medium term, the main prospecting work will be carried out in the main diamond-bearing areas: Malobotuobinsky, Daldino-Alakitsky, Srednemarkhinsky, Munsky in Yakutia and Zimneberezhny in the Arkhangelsk region.
"We expect discoveries in the Ygyatta and Murbai diamond-bearing areas as well: these are the main areas for geological exploration," Garanin said.
Answering the question about the estimated prospective diamond reserves in Russia as a whole and in the republic, in particular, he said that their number is more than 1.1 billion carats.
The reserves are mainly concentrated in the unique deposits of Yakutia and the Arkhangelsk region. Small amounts of reserves also exist in the Perm Region, where geologists have explored several small placers.
Yakutia is the leader among the regions in terms of reserves, 82% of all diamond reserves in the country are localized here, Garanin said.
Among the main challenges facing the industry, he called the insufficient level of regional study of promising territories, which can be dealt with by advancing geological and geophysical exploration of the subsurface with the involvement of state funding and combining the efforts of the state and private companies.

Alex Shishlo for Rough&Polished