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The Copper Plant is the first to receive tokens under the Digital Investor program of Norilsk Nickel

07 june 2023
Norilsk Nickel has started the active phase of the implementation of the unique corporate program "Digital Investor", the pilot enterprise for the implementation of which is the Polar branch (PB) of the company. 
Tokens will be able to receive more than 20.000 employees of the PB, whose experience exceeds one year. The first to receive tokens for electronic wallets opened on the Atomize platform were employees of the Copper Plant, reported.
As of today, more than 18.000 employees of the PB have already become participants of the program – they  signed a set of documents for participation. 1032 people have already received digital financial assets. These are employees with at least ten years of experience.
"From the start of submitting applications for the purchase of digital financial assets from the pilot group of 700 people 80% created applications on the platform within the first two hours," said Anastasia Perfilieva, Deputy Director of the PB for Personnel and Social Policy. 
"This is a project about the fact that the company shares its successes with employees, about the fact that we are developing digital literacy, about the fact that people believe us when we implement such tools that no employer in Russia or in Europe has yet. I consider the pilot a success. Congratulations to those people who will become the happy owners of minetoken at the Copper Plant."
According to Perfileva, the "Digital Investor" project has passed two waves in the PB to date, two thousand people have been covered by them. The issues will take place weekly.
"Now they are going in such a way that first of all we give this opportunity to people who have ten years of experience and above. (...) Everyone who has more than a year of experience on January 1, 2023, will certainly receive their minetoken this year. We are finishing the emission waves in mid–August," Perfilieva stressed.
In total, the program is planned to cover more than 70.000 employees of the company. Taking into account the current value of Norilsk Nickel shares, about six billion rubles will be allocated for these actions until the end of the program implementation.
The Digital Investor program is being implemented at Norilsk Nickel in stages. The first companies to join the program were the enterprises of the Norilsk Industrial District, as well as Moscow, Saratov, Sochi, St. Petersburg, Arkhangelsk - in these regions employees are already beginning to receive tokens.
The second wave will cover the Murmansk Region, the Trans–Baikal and Krasnoyarsk Territories - in these regions the signing of documents started in May 2023.
To implement the "Digital Investor", Norilsk Nickel has launched a large-scale information and educational campaign for employees, special materials have been created, a training course has been launched, hotlines are operating, individual work is underway.
The program is popular: at the moment, more than 34.000 employees have already opened wallets on the Atomize platform, more than 50.000 have opened accounts to which a special account is linked to transfer money for the purchase of tokens.

Alex Shishlo for Rough&Polished