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Russian PM Mishustin visits Norilsk

27 july 2023

Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin visited Norilsk, where he held several meetings with Krasnoyarsk district authorities and Norilsk Nickel representatives, and reviewed a number of city facilities and enterprises.

As part of the trip covered by TASS, Mishustin visited the Nadezhda Metallurgical Plant named after B. I. Kolesnikov, which is the youngest and most high-tech production unit of the Norilsk division of Nornickel. He praised the company's work to improve the environmental sustainability of production and its sulfur dioxide emissions reduction in particular.

This environmental project involves a comprehensive modernization of the Nadezhda metallurgical plant and the Medny metallurgical plant in Norilsk. As a result of these measures, the company will reduce its sulfur dioxide emissions at the Polar Division by 45% from the base 2015 level after implementation at Nadezhda, and by 90% after implementation at Medny.

Russian Prime Minister praised the work of the enterprise as a whole and noted that it has already paid off.

“What we see is, of course, a movement towards what was promised", Mishustin said.

Apart from production facilities, the head of the Cabinet oversaw the steps taken for the comprehensive socio-economic development plan of Norilsk until 2035. During the trip, the prime minister visited the mock-ups of important facilities that are being built as part of this plan, and talked about the specific steps that involve demolition of dilapidated housing, new housing construction, social payments to the population and the development of amenities.

The comprehensive plan for the socio-economic development of Norilsk would cost 120.1 billion rubles of investments until 2035. About 100 new houses with a total area of 400 000 square meters will be built, and a number of socially significant objects will be constructed.

Theodor Lisovoy, Editor in Chief of the European bureau, Rough&Polished