Galileo Resources has begun a third phase drill programme to validate the board's current view that near-surface copper-gold mineralisation occurs along the Shinganda Fault Splay over a strike length of potentially more than 4km offering scope for the development of a preliminary mineral resource at the Shinganda Copper-Gold Project, in Zambia.
The first phase and the recently completed second phase drill programmes confirmed the presence of copper-gold mineralisation associated with major regional and more localised structures.
Higher copper and gold grades were found at shallow depths, where primary (hypogene) mineralisation was subjected to supergene enrichment.
Galileo said it the third phase of drilling will target a projected supergene high-grade, broadly drill-defined zone extending for approximately 4km with an anticipated package width of mineralisation of approximately 30m extending to a vertical depth of approximately 70m.
"The last two years of exploration at Shinganda, including fieldwork, geophysics and drilling has identified multiple targets and several geological concepts have emerged all of which will be followed up in the future,” said company chief executive Colin Bird.
“Our thoughts range from IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper Gold) potential to isolated gold potential to traditional Copper Belt and all of our activities have indicated support for the aforementioned. However, from the work completed, a compelling target has emerged which are the splays identified by geophysics and confirmed by drilling taking us to a meaningful drill-ready target.”
Mathew Nyaungwa, Editor in Chief of the African Bureau, Rough&Polished