Vladislav Zhdanov: Questions of efficiency and investment potential of diamond mining versus diamond growing pique keen interest

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Diamond reserves at ALROSA’s deposits exceed 1 billion carats

28 june 2024

In 2023, ALROSA’s economically viable diamond reserves at all of its deposits amounted to 1.067 billion carats, which would ensure continuous production for over 30 years.

According to a message on Telegram social network published by the press service of ALROSA, Russia’s economically viable diamond reserves amount to 1.1 billion carats, 58% of the world’s 1.9 billion carats in similar deposits.

At the same time ALROSA’s reserves have different characteristics depending on the geographical location and geological conditions. 78% of its reserves are located in the Republic of Yakutia, and 22% in the Arkhangelsk region.

In total, more than 1,500 kimberlite bodies and related deposits have been discovered in Russia, half of which are diamond-bearing, while a quarter of them have been proven to contain large diamonds. The company will mine precious stones equally from open-pit, underground and alluvial deposits.

“At present, diamond mining is only carried out at unique deposits with unique properties and quality of rough diamonds, mineral composition and types of ores, taking into account the availability of infrastructure and capacity for their development,” the company notes.

“But it is obvious to us that diamond mining will involve new deposits, new pits and mines will be built, and additional ore processing capacity will be required.”

Theodor Lisovoy, Editor in Chief, Rough&Polished