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Polyus sells a gold deposit to ALROSA

01 july 2024

Anabar Diamonds, part of the ALROSA group of companies, acquired the Dyegdekan gold deposit in the Magadan region of Russia from the Krasnoyarsk division of PJSC Polyus.

The explored reserves of the deposit, according to the State Commission for Mineral Reserves, are estimated at approximately 100 tons of gold, including balance reserves of C1+C2 categories at 38 tons, with an average content of 2.2 g/t (not including off-balance reserves). Polyus owned the license for the Dyegdekan deposit from 2005.

Anabar Diamonds plans to begin development of the deposit after updating the feasibility study.

“According to the preliminary plan, the field is planned to be put into operation in 2028. Annual gold production after reaching design capacity in 2030 is estimated at 3.3 tons. The deposit’s mine life is until 2046,” noted the company’s CEO Alexey Okorokov.

Meanwhile, head of ALROSA Pavel Marinychev said that the new acquisition of the deposit by a subsidiary company would be positive for the diamond miner.

“The ALROSA group of companies has accumulated extensive experience in the field of associated gold mining, which we will use and develop for this prokect. The development of the gold deposit will provide an additional synergistic effect for ALROSA’s business and will help increase its financial stability in the long term,” he said.

Theodor Lisovoy, Editor in Chief, Rough&Polished