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MIPT opens postgraduate school for blockchain technologies

03 july 2024

The Physics and Technology School of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) has opened enrollment for postgraduate studies in the field of distributed ledgers (blockchain technologies). The postgraduate program will be the first state curriculum in Russia that is entirely dedicated to this area.

According to representatives of the university, the opening of a blockchain postgraduate school will allow young scientists to create a new center of competence and focus on the development of technologies in the field of distributed ledgers, which will allow them to progress science in this direction and participate in global governmental projects.

The project comes in the wake of the success of the master's degree in blockchain program, opened in 2019 in partnership with Norilsk Nickel, which became Russia's first higher education curriculum in distributed ledger technologies. The annual enrollment in this program has been increased from 5 to 20 students, and partnerships have been established with companies that use blockchain technologies in their projects.

“Industrial partners of our department offer students complex applied and research tasks in the field of blockchain, located at the intersection of several disciplines: mathematics, computer science, economics and even sociology. To solve many of them, very high-level specialists are needed. It is precisely such personnel, capable of carrying out complex research, both fundamental and applied, that our graduate school will prepare,” said Vladimir Gorgadze, head of the MIPT blockchain department, co-founder of the tokenization platform Atomyze and the IT company Newity.

Theodor Lisovoy, Editor in Chief, Rough&Polished