The Bear Patrol educational campaign to safeguard people against dangerous and protected predators will be launched in five regions of the Arctic - the Arkhangelsk region, Yamal, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakutia and Chukotka.
The goal of the campaign is to prevent conflict situations between polar bears and humans; it is intended for local residents, shift workers and tourists, reports the Go Arctic portal.
In Pomorie, Yamal, the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Yakutia and Chukotka, training seminars will be developed for enterprise employees, webinars will be held for tourists and Arctic shift workers, and thematic open lessons, interactive games and creative competitions will be held for children and schoolchildren.
“We intend to gather activists in camps and border villages, train them, and provide them with various tools to scare away the beasts,” said Andrei Nagibin, head of the Clean Arctic public environmental project.
There are only 25,000 - 29,000 polar bears in the world, and a third of them live in the Russian Arctic.
Theodor Lisovoy, Editor in Chief of the European bureau, Rough&Polished