The Minister of Ecology of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Vladimir Chasovitin published the results of a research held by scientists of the Central Siberian Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring on changes in temperature and wind speed in Krasnoyarsk, Norilsk, Yeniseisk, Achinsk, Kansk and Minusinsk.
"Researchers analyzed the period of 1991-2023 and compared it to the baseline period of 1961-1990. According to weather forecasters, the average air temperature is rising. In the cities studied, it rose by 1.1 - 1.9 degrees Celsius. At the same time, the warming in winters is more intense than in summers," Chasovitin writes.
At the same time, the average wind speed also dropped over the same period from 12% to 33%. This is associated with warming in the Arctic.
The Minister of Ecology also noted that the number of windless periods is also decreasing in the cities of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, notes.
Alex Shishlo for Rough&Polished