According to vice-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Stepan Kalmykov, quoted by TASS, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) make it possible to continuously monitor changes in the state of the environment in the Arctic.
He noted that such devices are very widely used in the Arctic and make it possible to improve the situation with data received from satellites.
“Firstly, this is one of the levels of sensor data and it helps determine the state of the environment. That is, on the one hand, there is remote sensing from satellites. But the satellite sees the integral state of the atmosphere over the air column. And we can use drones over short distances. It's more local. With the help of UAVs, we can pinpoint, by hanging certain sensors, the presence and amount of pollutants near enterprises,” Kalmykov said.
Kalmykov noted that ground stations are also used for monitoring. By using various types of UAVs, researchers obtain comprehensive information about the state of the environment in the Arctic, he said. The data received from these devices is analyzed by the Marine Research Center of Moscow State University, which cooperates with Rosatom.
Theodor Lisovoy, Editor in Chief, Rough&Polished