Vladimir Pilyushin: The jewelry market is not stand-alone and moves by the same laws as other markets

Vladimir Pilyushin is editor-in-chief of Russian Jeweler, a leading magazine about the jewelry industry in Russia. He told Rough&Polished about his view on the evolution of the jewelry industry in Russia and touched upon some of its problems.

16 september 2024

Sarine’s David Block: Diamond Industry at Standstill Until Chinese Demand Returns

David Block is CEO of Israel’s Sarine Technologies and has served in the position since 2012. In this exclusive interview for Rough and Polished, Block gives his opinion on the leading issues affecting today’s diamond trade.

11 september 2024

Dr M'zée Fula Ngenge: Demand for considerable-sized diamonds stronger than ever

The African Diamond Council (ADC) chairperson Dr M'zée Fula Ngenge told Rough & Polished’s Mathew Nyaungwa in an exclusive interview that although overall global diamond prices have been somewhat soft, the demand for considerable-sized diamonds...

02 september 2024

Amplats sees prospects as a standalone company

Anglo has revealed its plans to demerge Anglo American Platinum (Amplats), which has operations in South Africa and Zimbabwe, to optimise shareholder value. Rough&Polished contacted Amplats to comment on this and other issues but was referred...

19 august 2024

WFDB President Yoram Dvash Remains Confident Despite Global Diamond Challenges

Yoram Dvash is President of the World Federation of Diamond Bourses (WFDB) having been elected in 2020. He found time in his busy schedule to speak to Rough&Polished about the state of the diamond industry around the world and some of the major...

12 august 2024

Gazprom Neft produced 25 million tons of offshore oil in the Arctic in 10 years

15 august 2023

Gazprom Neft has been able to produce more than 25 million tons of oil during almost 10 years of operation of the Prirazlomnoye field in the Barents Sea, the company reports.

The first line of the Arctic LNG 2 plant delivered to the installation site on the Gydan Peninsula

14 august 2023

The first line of the Arctic LNG 2 natural gas liquefaction plant has been delivered to the installation site at the Gydan Peninsula, where the resource base for the plant is located, Interfax reports.

A scientific conference on permafrost soils to be held in Salekhard

11 august 2023

The All-Russian scientific and practical conference named "Permafrost soils in the Anthropocene" will be held on August 20-26 in Salekhard.

First stage of Clean Arctic - Vostok-77 expedition to study Gulf Stream pollution

10 august 2023

The scientific expedition named Clean Arctic - Vostok-77 will begin on August 15 with a study of the ecology of the Kola Peninsula, the first its seven routes. It will study the pollution of the sea by microplastics that are carried by the Gulf Stream.

The summer of 2023 celebrates a breakthrough in the loading of the Northern Sea Route

09 august 2023

The Russian oil and gas industry is stimulating Arctic transportation. Two oil tankers, which left the Baltic ports in mid-July, will pass through the Northern Sea Route, heading to China.

Norilsk Nickel among leaders of "Polar Index. Companies" rating for 2023

08 august 2023

The Arctic Development Project Office and the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University have released the sixth annual rating of sustainable development of Russian Arctic companies "Polar Index. Companies".

The thickness of the ice cover in the polar region of the Arctic halved in 30 years - scientists

07 august 2023

During the traditional summer voyage of the nuclear icebreaker "50 Years of Victory" to the North Pole specialists of the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (AANII) conducted observations of the distribution of ice cover along the navigation route.