De Beers shines light on budding jewellery designers

Diamond giant De Beers will this year conduct its bi-annual Shining Light Awards jewellery design competition. De Beers beneficiation manager Kagiso Fredericks told Rough & Polished's Mathew Nyaungwa in an exclusive interview they set aside 4.5 carats...

22 july 2024

DiaMondaine Diamantaires Club mulls diamond safari tours in southern Africa

DiaMondaine Diamantaires Club (DDC) is set to organise diamond safari tours in southern Africa, home to major diamond-producing countries. DDC founder Agnes Abdulahu told Rough&Polished’s Mathew Nyaungwa that the launch of the first diamond safari...

15 july 2024

Vladislav Zhdanov: Questions of efficiency and investment potential of diamond mining versus diamond growing pique keen interest

Vladislav Zhdanov is Professor at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE). He told Rough&Polished about new researches into the effectiveness of diamond production methods.

02 july 2024

Why it's expensive to cut and polish diamonds in Africa? ADMA president António Oliveira has the answer

The African Diamond Manufacturers Association (ADMA) president António Oliveira told Rough&Polished’s Mathew Nyaungwa in an exclusive interview that the lack of a robust infrastructure in Africa fails to accelerate and encourage manufacturing...

24 june 2024

Edahn Golan: IPO feasible but not Anglo’s preferred way to sell De Beers

Edahn Golan, owner of the eponymous Edahn Golan Diamond Research and Data, told Rough&Polished's Mathew Nyaungwa in an exclusive interview that while an IPO of De Beers is “feasible,"  he does not think this is a route Anglo American...

17 june 2024

Yugra region to produce diesel fuel for the Arctic

27 june 2024

The production of diesel fuel for the Arctic, which can be used at temperatures up to -52 degrees Celsius, will begin in October at the Surgut condensate stabilization plant of Gazprom Refining.

Arctic LNG - 2 and Murmansk LNG sanctioned by the EU

26 june 2024

The EU Council has approved the 14th sanctions package against Russia which now includes Arctic LNG - 2 and Murmansk LNG projects.

NOVATEK's Chinese partner withdraws from projects in Russia

25 june 2024

Wison New Energies (former Wison Offshore & Marine) is suspending its operations in Russia. Its board of directors decided to complete all current projects and stop participating in new ones indefinitely.

A drone testing center to be opened in Yamal

24 june 2024

The Arctic test center for unmanned aircraft systems will be opened in Yamal, the press service of the governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District reported.

A whale protection center to be established in the Murmansk region

21 june 2024

Russia plans to create a whale protection center in the Murmansk Region, said Andrey Chibis, the governor of the region.

“Mikhail Somov” vessel completes the first voyage to provide polar stations in the Arctic

20 june 2024

The “Mikhail Somov” scientific expedition vessel returned to Arkhangelsk which was its first voyage aimed at providing hard-to-reach stations of Roshydromet in the Arctic with resources.

Scientists to look for ways of stress reduction for members of Arctic expeditions

19 june 2024

Researchers from Arkhangelsk will sail to Franz Josef Land for three weeks, where they are going to study the levels of stress hormones of the expedition participants in order to assess the adaptive reserves of the human body and make recommendations to people working in the Arctic.